1,017 research outputs found

    Spike-based control monitoring and analysis with Address Event Representation

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    Neuromorphic engineering tries to mimic biological information processing. Address-Event Representation (AER) is a neuromorphic communication protocol for spiking neurons between different chips. We present a new way to drive robotic platforms using spiking neurons. We have simulated spiking control models for DC motors, and developed a mobile robot (Eddie) controlled only by spikes. We apply AER to the robot control, monitoring and measuring the spike activity inside the robot. The mobile robot is controlled by the AER-Robot tool, and the AER information is sent to a PC using the USBAERmini2 interface.Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01417Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    Technical viability study for behavioral monitoring of wildlife animals in Doñana: An 802.15.4 coverage study in a Natural Park

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    The study and monitoring of wildlife and in semi-freedom has always been a subject of great interest. In recent years the technology allows to design low cost systems that facilitate these tasks: microcontrollers, low-power wireless networks, sensors. GPS, satellite and VHF has been used for position tracking and localization of wildlife. Our aim is to design a low-cost system for local monitoring of wildlife (collar or harness) with local memory and remote access. It will use multiples sensors for behavioral and health monitoring and fuse the processed information locally to reduce the stored data, but allowing to be sporadically transmitted through wireless networks. This collar will be based on an embedded low-power microcontroller with 802.15.4 transceiver and a set of sensors to provide data (activity and health) of the animal under monitoring: accelerometers, compass, humidity, temperature, light, microphone, heart rhythm. This collar is called mote in wireless sensors network (WSN) terminology. Only when one mote is closer to an 802.15.4 mote and under request, the collar will dump the information to a host database server through the 802.15.4 network. In this paper we present a viability study of the WSN for Doñana Natural Park for different mote transmission powers, frequencies and distances for coverage. ZigBee and XBee mote has been proven.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas RDB-ICTS 39/201

    300 GHz CMOS video detection using broadband and active planar antennas

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    Using CMOS transistors for terahertz detection is currently a disruptive technology that offers the direct integration of a terahertz detector with video preamplifiers. The detectors are based on the resistive mixer concept and performance mainly depends on the following parameters: type of antenna, electrical parameters (gate to drain capacitor and channel length of the CMOS device) and foundry. Two different 300 GHz detectors are discussed: a single transistor detector with a broadband antenna and a differential pair driven by a resonant patch antenna

    Receptores homodinos a 300 GHz basados en tecnología CMOS

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    Using CMOS transistors for terahertz detection is currently a disruptive technology that offers the direct integration of a terahertz detector with video preamplifiers. The detectors are based on the resistive mixer concept and its performance mainly depends on the following parameters: type of antenna, electrical parameters (gate to drain capacitor and channel length of the CMOS device) and foundry. Two different 300 GHz detectors are discussed: a single transistor detector with a broadband antenna and a differential pair driven by a resonant patch antenna

    AER Building Blocks for Multi-Layer Multi-Chip Neuromorphic Vision Systems

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    A 5-layer neuromorphic vision processor whose components communicate spike events asychronously using the address-eventrepresentation (AER) is demonstrated. The system includes a retina chip, two convolution chips, a 2D winner-take-all chip, a delay line chip, a learning classifier chip, and a set of PCBs for computer interfacing and address space remappings. The components use a mixture of analog and digital computation and will learn to classify trajectories of a moving object. A complete experimental setup and measurements results are shown.Unión Europea IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C0

    Sistema de enfoque basado en dos espejos elípticos y un espejo plano rotatorio para un radar a 300 GHz

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    A focusing system for a 300 GHz radar with two target distances (5m and 10m) is proposed, having 1cm resolution in both cases. The focusing system is based on a gaussian telescope scheme and it has been designed using gaussian beam quasi-optical propagation theory with a homemade Matlab analysis tool. It has been translated into a real focusing system based on two elliptical mirrors and a plane mirror in order to have scanning capabilities and validated using the commercial antenna software GRAS

    Seasonal Variations in Atmospheric Composition as Measured in Gale Crater, Mars

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    All MSL data used in this manuscript (REMS and SAM) are freely available on NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) Geosciences Node, from within 6 months after receipt on Earth (http://pds‐geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/msl/). The mixing ratios developed and presented in this paper are available at a publicly available archive (dataverse.org: doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVUOWW) as cited within the manuscript. The successful operation of the Curiosity rover and the SAM instrument on Mars is due to the hard work and dedication of hundreds of scientists, engineers, and managers over more than a decade. Essential contributions to the successful operation of SAM on Mars and the acquisition of SAM data were provided by the SAM development, operations, and test bed teams. The authors gratefully thank the SAM and MSL teams that have contributed in numerous ways to obtain the data that enabled this scientific work. We also thank NASA for the support of the development of SAM, SAM data analysis, and the continued support of the Mars Science Laboratory mission. The contribution of F. Lefèvre was supported by the Programme National de Planétologie (PNP). R. Navarro‐Gonzalez acknowledges support from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (PAPIIT IN111619). LPI is operated by USRA under a cooperative agreement with the Science Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We thank members of the SAM and larger MSL team for insightful discussions and support. In particular, we thank R. Becker and R. O. Pepin for careful review of data analysis and interpretation. We thank M. D. Smith for discussion of CRISM CO measurements. We thank A. Brunner, M. Johnson, and M. Lefavor for their development of customized data analysis tools used here and in other SAM publications.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Integral Field Spectroscopy and multi-wavelength imaging of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC5668: an unusual flattening in metallicity gradient

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    We present the analysis of the full bi-dimensional optical spectral cube of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 5668, observed with the PPAK IFU at the Calar Alto observatory 3.5m telescope. We make use of broad-band imaging to provide further constraints on the evolutionary history of the galaxy. This dataset will allow us to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that drive the evolution of disks. We investigated the properties of 62 H II regions and concentric rings in NGC 5668 and derived maps in ionized-gas attenuation and chemical (oxygen) abundances. We find that, while inwards of r\,36",\sim\,36",\sim\,4.4kpc\,\sim\,0.36\,(D252)(\frac {D_{25}}{2}) the derived O/H ratio follows the radial gradient typical of spiral galaxies, the abundance gradient beyond r36"\sim36" flattens out. The analysis of the multi-wavelength surface brightness profiles of NGC 5668 is performed by fitting these profiles with those predicted by chemo-spectrophotometric evolutionary models of galaxy disks. From this, we infer a spin and circular velocity of λ\lambda=0.053 and vc_{c}=167\,km\,s1^{-1}, respectively. The metallicity gradient and rotation curve predicted by this best-fitting galaxy model nicely match the values derived from the IFU observations, especially within r\,\sim36\arcsec. The same is true for the colors despite of some small offsets and a reddening in the bluest colors beyond that radius. On the other hand, deviations of some of these properties in the outer disk indicate that a secondary mechanism, possibly gas transfer induced by the presence of a young bar, must have played a role in shaping the recent chemical and star formation histories of NGC 5668.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/020649